Saturday, June 22, 2019

Leadership and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership and Management - Essay ExampleWith the definition on hand, it can be inferred that there are differences and similarities present in leadership and management. Specifically, the main similarity of leadership and management is that some(prenominal) aim for long depot positive results. With this, leaders and managers put more weight on the intangible aspect of the plaque, such as the vision and mission of the organization. They also look beyond the boundaries of the organization and influence people outside and within the organization. Also, they both act as the link between the followers and the head management while both greatly depend on the followers (R.C Swansburg and R.J. Swansburg 405). On the other hand, leadership and management also exemplify differences. In the context of management, it is the execution of the ability and travail of the administrator to control, coordinate, organize, and plan for the organization. Management is the ability to foresee events an d plan for such events. Organization in management also means linking the structure and manpower in order to execute the plans. In addition, managers moldiness convey the intellectual capacity and principles to be objective on tasks and decisions. Therefore, management is the act of accomplishing the objectives and the goals of the organization by efficiently using the avail adequate resources. ... Influence is what drives the relationship of a leader and a follower. Also, with the influence, leaders are able to attain the trust and confidence of their followers. In addition, a leader is effective when he or she influences his or her followers to be ethical in their work and conduct within and outside the organization. For this to occur, leaders must equip their members with the direction that aims toward the goals and objectives of the organization. With the appropriate direction and influence, leaders will be able to create change for the betterment of the organization. Effectiv e leaders are able to realize the need for change and are capable of executing the change needed. Leaders are considered as risk takers and open minded individuals who are unforced to take the challenge. Moreover, in totality, leadership can be summed up to the persons ability to lead people towards a specific goal or change. Leaders are people who are comfortable and enjoy working with followers (Lussier and Achua 7-8). Moreover, it is vital to note that a leader is important in an organization because a leader is one of the most essential factors that lead an organization to succeed. Also, companies and organizations must mold their own leaders, and build home-grown leaders that are rooted to craft the organization towards success. With this on hand, leaders are very important in any industry or organization. In relation to this, it must be note that leaders are not born or made, but leaders are born and made. It is vital to understand that effective leaders already have the in nate ability to lead people however, these abilities must be enhanced and developed in order for it to be effective. Nonetheless, this does

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